Cadastral area of Kunvald – almost 30 square km – neighbours in the south with Žamberk cadastral area. Eastern neighbours are Líšnice and Klášterec nad Orlicí. Northern neighbours are Bartošovice v Orlických horách and Rokytnice v Orlických horách, western Pěčín and Kamenična.
Geographically Kunvald is part of the Orlické hory (Eagle Mountains), Žamberk highland.
Apart from Rokytenka river, which makes western border, Horský creek flows through the township from north to south, with spring in the forest between Přední and Zadní vrch (elevation 665 m).
Horský creek and its left tributary Lesní creek flow around the Krejsa hill (elevation 493 m), and enters Rokytenka river (420 m), and continues to Divoká Orlice river located in Žamberk cadastral area.
Northern part of the cadastre with higher elevation and harsher climate is mostly covered by woods, whereas the southern part consists of agricultural land.
There was a major source of granite utilised until the mid-20th century in the northern part of the township. Eroded granite was mined in the form of sand in the pit near the road to Rokytnice v Orlických horách.
Steep river banks several metres high were formed in the lower parts of Horský creek and Rokytenka from marlstone. This stone was also excavated in several mines, and used in construction. Turonian and Angoumian fossils can be found in the marlite.
The border of the nature conservation area Orlické hory leads through Žamberk woods, with nature preserve Zemská brána (Land Gate) in Divoká Orlice river valley.
Fir, beech and other broad-leaved trees used to grow in the present mostly spruce forests, and they are currently re-introduced. Mixed forests have been preserved on the steep river banks, lined by alder, aspen, willow, lime and rowan trees.
Whole range of protected plants grow in the region, for instance Drosera rotundifolia or Menyanthes. Honeysuckle, elm, blackthorn, snowflake, butterbur, woodruff, primrose, windflower and buttercup can be found in large numbers in the woods.
Crayfish, trout, eel, grayling, chub and burbot used to be abundant in Horský creek and Rokytenka.
Of the rarer bird species we can name nightingale, kingfisher, lapwing, snipe, white and black stork, crested lark, pheasant and partridge. Pair of swans nests at the nearby Lauterbachův (Dymlov) pond, together with many wild ducks.
There is deer and boar in the local forests; the latter was not common here until WWII.
Mouflon was introduced in Žamberk woods by Josef Egrt in the 1960s. Ram with a trophy was hunted down in Zaječice in 1974, awarded 240.65 CIC points as the then world record in České Budějovice in 1976. Other trophies from Zaječice won awards at various hunting exhibitions.
We should not forget about badger, marten and a wandering otter. Wolves, bears and lynxes used to roam the local woods in earlier centuries.