Outstanding Local Personalities
- Matthew of Kunvald – (* unknown - ϯ 1500) elected the first bishop of the Bohemian Brethren in 1467. He served as the bishop to his death in 1500.
- Antonín Koditek (Kodytek) (* baptism record from 14. 8. 1746 – ϯ 2. 1. 1788) – teacher in Kunvald in 1764 – 1786 – chronicler, who wrote “The records of notable affairs” – so-called Kodytek’s Chronicle.
- Jan Michalička – (*1791 – ϯ 23. 12. 1867) – teacher and gifted musician and composer – he was also the choir director, played the organ, composed pieces for his band, including church songs and six masses around 1852. His pastoral “Aria in G” called “Here, birds – Czech song on the birth of Jesus Christ the Lord, notified and praised by various birds”. The teacher family of Michalička was active in Kunvald for more than 100 years.
- Ignác Bílek – (* 28. 2. 1826 – ϯ 28. 12. 1899) - the secret papal advisor to Leo XIII, holder of the Golden Cross with Crown, Episcopal Consistory Councilman, notary and vicar, founder of the Parish poorhouse foundation in Kunvald, co-founder of the Lyer and Bílek foundation for students.
- Jan Evangelista Mitvalský (*1. 6. 1861 - ϯ 7. 9. 1899) - associate professor of ophthalmology, author of major scientific papers, member of ophthalmologic societies in v Heidelberg and France.
- František Bílek (* 16. 12. 1885 – ϯ 29. 3. 1972) – founder of modern zootechnics, one of the leading contemporary geneticists, saviour of Kladruber and Przewalski horse breeds, founder of the Museum of Hippology in Slatiňany.
- Ludvík Vacátko (*19. 8. 1873 – ϯ 26. 11. 1956) – academic painter, arts professor, author of equestrian portrait of Thomas Garrigue Masaryk, expert on the animal anatomy, namely horses, assistant to Luděk Marold (Battle of Lipany monument).
- Karel Režný – (* 13. 8. 1904 – ϯ 13. 8. 1983) – doctor of philosophy, grammar school professor in Spišská Nová Ves, then in Kostelec nad Orlicí, and subsequently expert assistant at the Faculty of Education in Hradec Králové. He is an author of a number of papers and articles on history and geography. Co-writer of the book on the regional nature, author of geological guides for the areas of Ústí nad Orlicí, Rychnov and Náchod.
- František Trejtnar (*7. 3. 1918 - ϯ 4. 12. 1982) – colonel, Czechoslovak military pilot, member of 310 fighter pilots squadron RAF.
- František Kalous (*24. 6. 1911 – ϯ 9. 11. 1968) – leading member of Sokol, ski maker, multiple national champion in ski jump and combined disciplines, 3rd place in the ski championship organized by the Union of Slavonic Sokol in Bohinj, Yugoslavia.
- Josef Jindra (* 17. 8. 1936 – ϯ 19. 5. 2016) – Master of aerobatics – in 1971 1st place at the VIII Czechoslovak championship ČSSR, national champion.
Outstanding Personalities in Pictures
Jan Evangelista Mitvalský